Dragon's Dogma 2 Review

Dragon's Dogma 2 maintains much of the same premise as its predecessor while adding Game of Thrones-esque political intrigue; although good, this doesn't break new ground given today's saturation with similar fantasy influences. But where it truly excels is in its combat system: one of the finest real-time RPG combat systems around! Offering flexibility and variety it drives the game forward like no other RPG has before it. Much like Evil Dead 2, which made its mark by sticking closely to an established formula; Dragon's Dogma 2 doesn't veer too far from what made its cult status; offering exceptional action design as well as the captivating world that has made its name over time!

Exploration is key as characters venture into mysterious locations and discover hidden secrets.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Offers Combat, Open World Exploration

As I witnessed my companions following every command I issued them in battle, uncovering treasures they found along their quests, and providing helpful suggestions based on their own experience, it truly felt like being part of a team. On my initial run-through of Dragon's Dogma 2, I created Skroat as my main pawn as an amusing joke pawn; yet as time progressed it became evident that this game stood on its own merits while seamlessly weaving elements from its predecessor into one captivating experience. I buy Dragon's Dogma 2 because it offers an intuitive combat system, expertly merging stylish action from Devil May Cry with strategic depth from Monster Hunter.

Un Unknown Land to Explore with Nothing but Your Chisel in Hand

Experienced players should find Dragon's Dogma an extremely rewarding journey. Unraveling its intricate design has been one of my greatest gaming joys and surprises because very few RPG games can do what Dragon's Dogma 2 does: it offers spontaneous monster hunts, intense combat, interconnected gameplay mechanics, and compelling storytelling at every turn. I won't forget its impressive flashier abilities that belong only to human characters while its Pawns fill most roles providing advice about party composition and adding depth to the gameplay experience.

Characters interact with NPCs, receiving requests and rumors for quests.

The Lone Arisen: No Direct Multiplayer Mode Available but Pawns Bridge the Gap

Dragon's Dogma 2 offers players one of its greatest additions: the Pawn Specialization System. Now your AI companions, known as Pawns, can learn skills beyond basic combat support - for instance, highlighting resource points on maps managing inventory effectively, or even crafting items independently - making their specialization system both convenient and strategic depth in one. You can hire Pawns created by other players - using their expertise and experience for your journey; similarly, others may hire your Pawn - helping out their adventures while rewarding you along the way. While most RPGs guide players down an assigned route, Dragon's Dogma 2 allows players to explore its vast and vast environment without much direction from their companions; you are free to carve your path!


Dragon's Dogma 2 had many amazing elements I hadn't yet experienced during its early playthrough before its official launch date; one such phenomenon being Dragonsplague. It's sure that having Dragon's Dogma 2 available will make you avoid cheap PS5 games for a while. What struck me most, however, was how sidequests could directly influence main storylines through side quests - making each mission feel purposeful and tailored with NPCs sharing gossip or providing hints about mysterious locations that add depth and life to its world and lore. Dragon's Dogma 2 offers classic RPG fare - fetch quests and monster eradication missions - in its vast world full of surprises, from its dynamic weather system and unpredictable enemy encounters to freedom to explore every corner.